essential oils Aphrodisiac


Aphrodisiac since ancient times called natural substances that stimulate the sensory perceptions and stimulating sexual desire.

Its name, these substances were the goddess of love

Aphrodite, which was attributed to the power of the feelings, desires and love.
The main objective of the use of aphrodisiacs – awaken a sensitivity to enhance the production of their own pheromones.Herbal Aphrodisiacs

To include various aphrodisiacs of vegetable and animal origin. In every country, on every continent, no matter where people lived, our experience elicited plants, affecting sexual possibilities of man. Africans have such a plant was yohimbe tree. The bark of this tree has been further highlighted the drug yohimbine, which became available to Europeans. This drug increases vitality, makes people more active, increases the formation of male sex hormones and, therefore, affect the potency and libido.
In the Far East, used to increase potency and dishes containing ginseng. This plant is known to Europeans mostly on pharmaceutical drugs. Modern medicine confirms that the roots of ginseng stimulants. In addition to these substances help people adapt to the adverse effects of the environment. Besides stimulating properties of ginseng have other Far Eastern plants – ara Leah Manchu, Chinese schizandra, Siberian ginseng, devil, Rhodiola rosea, Rhaponticum carthamoides and others.
In European countries for the treatment of sexual disorders and used wild and cultivated plants – angelica, anise, caraway, carrot, lemon balm, fennel, radish, lettuce, nuts, and many others are among the plants as reinforcing and reducing sexual activity of men. Increase the potency Lubka orchid, red clover, nettle, smellage, Pulmonaria officinalis, orchids and other men.
Lubka orchid – small herbaceous plant with two basal leaves oval brush and loose white fragrant flowers, flowers have a characteristic two-sheet Liubka yes orchid lip. If dry, it can keep the closet – it will scare away moles and give a pleasant smell of laundry. Lubka improves sexual performance of men. Especially valuable broth its tubers in broth or wine.
Who does not know the nettle? Who has not experienced the insidious characteristics of its burning hair? Nettle – one of the most common weeds. Osh has long rhizomes and grows pears always “E – in dry and wet places, housing, near the fence, on roadsides, in the woods.
However, this seems to be a knockdown plant used for centuries in medicine and in the food and fragrance industry. Its leaves contain large amounts of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and various minerals.
Lovage – perennial with tall stems. The leaves are shiny, perisstorassechennye, yellowish-green flowers, gathered in an umbrella. The plant emits a smell that resembles celery.
Lovage – this is one of the favorite spices, which readily added to all meals. In folk medicine, lovage is used as a means to increase strength by adding a teaspoon of food greens twice a day. In order to increase sexual activity lovage root insist on vodka (two teaspoons of root in a pint of alcohol) taken daily for one dessert spoon of brandy after 19 hours.
Ukraine has long lovage sewn into a wedding dress, which guaranteed the love and loyalty to the whole married life.
Orchis (cuckoo tears) has long been used to restore health by sexual weakness, to maintain strength in the elderly.
Pulmonaria – a perennial herbaceous plant, stem height – 10-30 cm Leaves oblong-ovate, dark green. Flowers are placed on top of the stem in the form of several inflorescence buds. Early spring bloom Lungwort pale pink flowers, then they turn blue, and by the end of flowering, becoming bluish-purple. Discoloration due to the change of the cellular juice – at first it slightly acid, and later – slightly alkaline. This property is inherent in almost all plants of the Boraginaceae, which is owned and Pulmonaria. Green leaves lungwort contains many different minerals and vitamins. Of particular interest is manganese, vitamin B1 which activates and regulates the activity of certain endocrine glands. Suppress excessive eroticism Melissa officinalis, black nightshade, bearberry, yarrow, hops and others.
Hops ordinary – herbaceous perennial creeping rhizome and growing vines. The leaves are opposite, rounded or ovoid. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in terminal inflorescences. Female inflorescence after flowering grow strongly, forming a compound fruit – bumps. They contain essential oils that are used in the perfume and food industries
Melissa officinalis – a perennial herb with straight quadrangular stem, covered with glandular hairs, 50-80 cm Leaves opposite, cordate-ovate, toothed. The flowers are small, in groups in false whorls, located in the axils of the upper leaves, and white. In stems and leaves keeps essential oil, which gives this plant pleasant lemon scent. There is also ascorbic, oleanovaya and other acids, tannins.
It grows on the edges of forests, scrublands. Cultivated in gardens, parks, gardens, in the botanical gardens as a medicinal and aromatic plants.
Bearberry – a low evergreen shrub, very similar to cranberries, but berries mawkish and inedible. This plant is popularly known as a bear ears. Bearberry different from cranberries and shape the bush and stem, which stretches in the woods like a green carpet to a meter long. It grows in dry pine forests on sandy soils. Bearberry leaves contain organic acids, tannins. Drugs are used in scientific and traditional medicine.
What is the aphrodisiac effect on a person? The fact is that every person has a unique smell, which is an indicator of its external and internal conditions. Sources of pheromones given off by our bodies. They have a difference if you have experienced during the day experiences, frustration, stress, the body responds immediately formulation repellents – substances that cause negative feelings for you around. You become less visible and less attractive. The same thing happens when you are angry, feel tired, exhausted and frustrated. Production of repellents can also cause sudden changes in ambient temperature, certain medications and food, socializing with people with negative energy to you, and more.
If you have all right, good mood, your body produces attractants – substances that can make you attractive, you will attract the right people, especially men. Scent of a woman seductive, alluring. So friendly attitude towards others, good mood and health, healthy lifestyle – it is those moments that help to reduce the production of repellents and attractants enhance production.
The main objective of aphrodisiacs is their ability to help us set up our thoughts and emotions in a positive way, set our mind on the energy of love. And then your body starts to make itself attractive to others pheromones.
Among the many tools it is important to find a – that will relieve you from stress, help to reveal your feminine energy. To choose by smell, intuitively – that like it, and yours. Aphrodisiacs can be applied both externally (essential oils, plant charges) and inside (herbs, spices, citrus). Various methods of their use: broths and infusions for baths, indoor residual spraying and clothing, perfume bags, applying oils to the skin and hair, etc. Many of the plants contain aphrodisiac feromonopodobnye substance. The strongest of oil – rose, jasmine, lavender, geranium, peppermint, rosemary and others are noteworthy following plants: verbena, primrose, lemon balm, sage, poplar buds, young shoots of mountain ash, black currant leaves and strawberries, flowers and chestnuts , citrus peel, ginger, star anise, thyme, basil, and others.
For centuries, people watched the properties of plants and, of course, noticed that many of them have a positive effect on sexuality. Our ancestors established some mysterious ways, which plants can be eaten and which to leave as drugs, using them as an exception. Coming from the world of animals, people gradually acquired the ability to reproduce
regardless of the season. However, it still dominates the aroma of herbs and flowers in the spring and early summer. Biologists say that the human body itself is capable of converting food substances in fragrances – pheromones, stimulating sexual desire in a partner.
In fact, the most effective stimulants are rye bread, pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, mushrooms, apples, nuts, honey, dates, and many garden plants familiar to us.
However, it must be said that herbal aphrodisiacs manifest themselves in different ways. Plays a significant role your attitude when cooking. The same dish from the same product made by different people in different emotional states, will have a different taste. Therefore only need to cook in a good mood. And then any food prepared by you using aphrodisiacs to bring home health, love and harmony.
One has to be careful with supplements. The main thing – do not overdo it. The same substance can and tone, and relax, suppressing arousal. For example, when you add a very small amount of food cardamom – aphrodisiac, acting on men – can enhance male potency, but when a large quantity, on the contrary, weakened. As with wine: in small quantities, it excites, and if exceed the dose – acts in the opposite way.
The ancient drug that gave undying love energy, often have narcotic properties. In the East as an aphrodisiac smoked opium. In Central America, for these purposes cacti and mushrooms. In Europe, the revered mushrooms truffles. That’s why they were on the menu of Louis XIV and Casanova.
By the way, are aphrodisiacs and other mushrooms, edible in any form – marinated, fried, stewed. They activate spermatogez and improve sexual function of men. The fact that mushrooms contain many minerals, and most importantly – zinc, positive effect on male fertility.
This also should include hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, all citrus fruits, apples, carrots, pumpkin, cocoa and others.
Onions have long enjoyed an excellent reputation, and was part of the love potions, despite its sharp smell. The presence of vitamin E make this plant a must in the diet of men who feel the lack of confidence in the potential. For five thousand years, this vegetable is known as a means of enhancing energy lovers that can arouse desire.
The same is true of the garlic, which Pythagoras called the “king of spices.” The ancient Egyptians worshiped garlic, ordinary people have even been forbidden to use it in food. Garlic – the right tool for strengthening the male power.
Another garden plants, which can be attributed to the aphrodisiacs – carrots. It is valued and appreciated all over the world always. In Japan, for the use of a large number of people get kind of carrot award – the people who use carrots regularly, much less frequently tumors than those who eat it occasionally. In Russia, this vegetable is prepared medicinal drink for women who have lost interest in sex life, and for men to experience failures in sex. Carrot promotes eternal youth. If there is an elixir of youth, it is likely to consist of 90% carrot juice.
Familiar to all, and sunflower seeds. Have you noticed that when they start clicking, then it is very difficult to break away. In the seeds kind of “depot” of the necessities of the human body. Magnesium in them six times more than in the bread, and a great amount of vitamin E, which prevents fatigue, increases the potency.
One of the best products for the genitourinary system – the pumpkin. She heals and refreshes and rejuvenates. Pumpkin juice combined with apple juice or other help to a man in his feelings and desires. And women who use pumpkin in any way every day, do not have to go to the beautician.
The oldest vegetable – summer beauty melon. Eastern women believe that she helps their hair to be healthy and shiny face – soft and fresh. Unlike other vegetables melon relieves erotism and so too temperamental fit men and women.
The simplest recipe for increasing male sexual performance is receiving 75 g of walnuts every day for a month.
Excellent effect gives one an ancient drug. Take 200 grams of fat, prunes, raisins (seedless), 12 core walnut, finely chop, mix and store in refrigerator. Taken daily for two tablespoons of the mixture, drinking yogurt.
Spices and condiments
Essential oils in the spices, greatly increase sexual activity in both men and women. By afrodiziakak worn primarily spices: ginger, anise, caraway, dill, fennel, basil, red pepper and black, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, celery, coriander, horseradish, onion, garlic. For example, cinnamon increases the tone of the uterus of women and men improves kidney and urinary system as well as ginger. Modern science has proven that the cardamom, the average age was considered an essential part of a love for stimulating sexual desire.
Some other herbs are also a powerful aphrodisiac. First of all, celery, gift mistress of King Louis the Marquise de Pompadour, known in history as the mistress of bed games regularly drank chocolate with this green, and of all preferred celery salad with apples and walnuts. According to ancient custom in many countries in the wedding night a bunch of celery newlyweds hang over the bed – it is believed that it enhances passion.
Prized as galangal, or erect cinquefoil. They say that with regular use galangal works better viagra.
Increases the potency even occasional consumption of salad consisting of basil leaves, cilantro, parsley, lovage, nettles, parsnips, lemon balm.
Coffee, brewed with cinnamon and brandy, or meat cooked in wine with spices are aphrodisiacs.
Any dish made with love, strengthen property seasonings. This reduces the production of food repellents in your body and promotes the production of attractants.
Preparations based on medicinal plants
Tincture of ginseng. Oriental medicine has used ginseng several millennia to treat impotence in men. This plant has a pronounced toning properties, stimulates and encourages sexual activity partners. Ginseng and is now widely used in pharmacology in the form of various tinctures, powders, tablets. But he does not give immediate effect. Usually requires a multi-day course of treatment, however it can be used as a mild stimulant disposable.
Use ginseng tincture 15-30 drops 6-8 hours before sexual intercourse. For single use is recommended for young and middle-aged people. Tincture can buy almost any drug store. You can not apply for a hangover.
Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus extract – a strong stimulant with aphrodisiac properties. Take it three times a day before meals for three weeks.
Leuzea. The root of this plant is known as maral root. Rhaponticum carthamoides grows in the high meadows of the Altai mountains in Siberia. Local residents used for years to treat the root of impotence, even in the elderly. In addition to use as a sexual enhancing drug, Rhaponticum extract – a good tonic which relieves mental and physical fatigue. Assign it to 20-40 drops 3 times a day.
Lemongrass. Tincture of Schisandra fruit has a profound effect on the central nervous system, stimulates the cardiovascular system. Alcoholate acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and is recommended for 20-30 drops three times a day. Can be received immediately before sex, or some time before intimacy.
Securinine – an alkaloid extracted from the herb Securinega suffruticosa, growing in the Far East.

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